Distance Learning Email updates

Term 1 2021 - Update 1 - Chrome Update, Digital Wellbeing,

Google Chrome Update

I got asked to update my Chrome on the weekend. The request to update appeared by my little profile pic at the right of the address bar. Once I'd clicked on it all the accounts I have synced on my computers were updated.

If you can't see the message to update - then it's probably not time to, but you can check your Chrome updates at those 3 little dots in the left top corner - go to Help/About Google Chrome.

If you're still having trouble with using backgrounds in Google Meet - then you may have an error message in the 'About Google Chrome' - in that case please email itsupport@wsc.school.nz

Digital ways to support Wellbeing

Thinking about how digital apps etc can help us with wellbeing. Primarily, I would think about scheduling classroom posts/classwork so you can set work ahead of time.

  • Click Schedule instead of Assign

  • Assign a Date & Time NOTE: by default it sets it to the following day, so change it to whenever and make it 10 mins before class as there can be a lag. Lastly - check AM or PM.

I have also started a list here, which I will get Karalee to put on our 'Just for you' classroom (The classroom code is: zds4tj)

I've made the list editable, so please add your own. Personally, I find Focus Keeper timer really really helpful for getting myself to stand up and move away from my computer on a regular basis. And then I'll use an app like Calm or Headspace to make myself do some deep breathing - especially at the moment! You will have your own tips - please share!

Term 3 2020 Update 1 - Kamar and Google Meet

Mōrena WSCW whanau,

Happy Friday! - here are some updates based on requests from staff this week. We do now seem to have fixed the problem with Google Meets being owned and recorded by students. Some information about how Google Meet recordings work, where they live etc can be found on the Google Meet FAQ's here. I've updated the FAQ's too. I'm making some step-by-step instructions on Meet recordings which I'll share on Monday.


The emailing function in Kamar is now active. Please be aware that replies come into Kamar - click on the little kiwi logo in the bottom left corner of the screen - You won't see replies in your Gmail and will have to check Kamar to find them. The advantage of doing it this way is that you don't have to export contact details, and a record is kept in Kamar of the correspondence.

However, there are still times when you need class details (including contact lists). Wonderful Andrea has made some written instructions with an accompanying video. You can find them here.

Google Meet

One reason to have a list of your students digitally is the ability to use the Google Attendee and Breakout Room Meet extension I discussed earlier in the week. Keeping attendance rolls at your Meet requires a list of your class which you paste in, in order to compare who is there with who is on your roll. This function is explained here

Breakout rooms - options for how to create seperate Meets for students to connect and complete group work can be found here It suggests a variety of ways to create breakout rooms and has a couple of videos to assist you (both recorded e-cafe meets - thanks to the willing participants)

Lastly, some of the links I've given you today lead you to the E-learn Website and embedded Google Docs. So - a Top tip! As well as viewing the document on the site you can also open it in a new tab - and then you have the option to save a copy or print it. Hpver your mouse at the corner of the document and the option appears to open it:

Term 2 2020 Update 1

1. You don't need to learn new digital tools, and we're not expecting students to either - focus on Classroom and if you can, using Google Meet to connect, and tools your students are already familiar with.

2. Google Meet is now integrated with Google Classroom and you can set up a permanent link on your classroom in settings (thanks Whaea Alice for your e-mail on this yesterday). This video explains how it works - and highlights the fact that students can't enter the meet until you are there - NOTE: the screen they get if you're not there says that meet isn't enabled for the Domain. Perhaps best to explain it's because you're not there yet, to avoid confusion. Also, you can remove the students at the end of the meet, if you prefer. All instructions are on the video

3. You and your students have access to a Grid view in Google Meet so you can see all your students in a Meet (thanks to Damon King for this one!) A Google extension has been enabled for everyone and you will be able to access it from your Google Meet screen and click to turn it on. Damon has also suggested a different extension with more features. We won't enable both extensions, but if you are wanting to add this one yourself, Damon's e-mail is here, to see how to do it.

4. Guardian E-mails - If you're still getting inquiries about this, please remember that Sally Hayes has made an awesome video for parents explaining what they'll see and how it works. The video and further instructions on using Google Classroom are on the website here.

As you'll see, this update has been a collaborative effort, with input from teachers generously sharing what they've learnt. Better together! Let's keep sharing and supporting each other. I'll continue to update the website as needs arise. I've added a new section for support articles/blog posts for teachers. Let me know if you have something to add.

This blog post has a handy infographic and if you scroll down a bit, some excellent principles and practical assistance for distance learning during a pandemic.

Kia pai tō koutou rā!

Term 2 2020 Update 2 (Week 2 ) - ETV and Edpuzzle. And how to find me..

ETV & E-Cafe

We now have ETV enabled for everyone, staff and students. You need to be in your school account and sign on with your usual WSC username and password.

Ben and Gerry will be facilitating an E-cafe on Thursday morning at 8.30 to discuss tips and tricks for using it - including EVA, their video annotation tool.

I will send a calendar invite so you can join the meet. BYO croissants!


Speaking of video annotation - if you are already using Edpuzzle and need the school password here it is: 6r0rqu (that's a zero in case you're wondering and the second to last letter is a small Q)

It gives you unlimited access including access to Edpuzzles other people at school have made.

I am available generally on a M, T and TH for some individual and small group meets when I'm not teaching - please e-mail me for a spot.

Term 2 2020 Update 3 (Wk 2) - Classroom Notification, Schedule Classroom Posts, New Google Meet Features

Kia ora koutou,

For form teachers - Email notifications from Classroom

Students are currently experiencing overload in their inboxes, which may be affecting their desire to check their emails and causing them to feel overwhelmed. Lovely Logan has created this video that you can post on Classroom, to show them how to customise their email notifications.

Adding a video to classroom:

Providing we're all following our guidelines of posting work in the first period of the week that we see them, then students will know to go to the classroom to get updates, and if they want an email about a particular thing (eg their teacher has posted an assignment) they can still opt for that.

For teachers - Schedule your Posts on Classroom

This handy little function allows you to set your work at a time that suits you, and have it arrive in Classroom at the start of your lesson, thus spreading out notifications/work for students. There's a wee arrow next to the post button that allows you to schedule your post.

A word of warning - the default date is the following school day - don't forget to change that if necessary by clicking on it

A Google Meet Update

Google is working on improving Google Meet and has just announced four new features including tile view and being able to present a tab! You'll see up to 16 in the tiled view, but they're working on greater functionality.

We hadn't received the update when I checked this morning, but it is on it's way, and I'll keep you informed.

Term 2 2020 Update 4 (Wk 4) E-Cafe, How to find use Video from a distance, How to manage online meetings, Clarity of instruction from a distance

E-cafe this week

I'd like to continue to offer E-cafe, but only if it's helpful, as I know that too many Meets can be overwhelming. If you would like the chance to meet Thursday mornings before school, please fill in this exceedingly small survey, so I can gauge interest and the questions/topics to focus on. No compunction to turn up every week, I'm just keen to gauge general interest and need.

Using video with your classes

Google Meet - You can now present a tab. This allows you to share video and audio from that tab. A tip from a student: have the volume up high.

ETV - a how-to video (5 mins) on using ETV - how to search for videos etc. There's information on how to request a video recording, and what content they can provide here. I think they need a week's notice for TV recordings.

Recently the Breakfast show ran a piece on why we find online video calling so exhausting - they also provide some research as to what we can do 'offline' to support our online work. These principles can be applied to students, also. The link is here

Clarity of instruction - Distance Learning

I really enjoyed this blog post from an NZ teacher. It gives some very good advice on how to ensure clarity of instruction when teaching from a distance, to ensure accessibility for all students learning in this way. I've also put it on our list of great readings here.