Google Forms

Here is a really comprehensive guide on how to create a google form

If you are new to google forms - give Phil's form within a form a go - to try out each of the questions

Google Forms can be used for more than just surveys. A google form can be used really easily to collect student voice, but you can also manipulate a Google form to differentiate information for students and to point students to the information they need, if they show that they don't understand a question in your form (excellent for revision). There's also a bunch of add-ons to help you automate the information in your form and make your life easier eg getting the form marked automatically and sending the results to you and your students

If you'd like any more information than is in this slide show below, please ask Deb to come and explain it to you

Or! Find out more here

Google Quiz - an excellent review and revision tool 'You can quickly assess your students' understanding with automatic and manual grading tools. Specify correct answers, points, and give feedback for correct and incorrect responses. Identify frequently missed questions that need further review in the response summary' - Learn how to create a quiz here

Google forms