Google Classroom

Google Classroom necessities

Google Classroom Consistency, Efficiency and Good practice

Google Classroom - make it work for you and your students

Guardian E-mails

instructions for adding Guardians HERE - FAQs about what Guardians can see and Guardian summaries HERE

A great video tutorial made by Sally Hayes for Guardians on what to expect from Guardian updates is below

Using Google Classroom grades to assess where students are 'at'

Using Google Classroom Grades to assess where students are ‘at’

How to store resources in your classroom folder:

You can also encourage your students to use their Google Drive Classroom folders to store their work

Organising your classroom folder so students can better access your handouts

Organising your classroom folder

Originality Reports

Classroom Originality Reports


Find the E-cafe recording about how to construct a rubric HERE

Practice Sets

What are Practice Sets? 

Practice questions you create - you have the choice to use different question types. Google's AI function will provide suggestions/hints for students/ākonga who need more help to answer the questions and immediate feedback is given. Teachers get detailed information on where each student is at and class trends for the practice set.

Why would you use them? 

'While every student learns in their own way, practice and specific feedback can help them learn more effectively. 

Assignments can be completed with a variety of tools for input, such as a mouse, stylus, touchpad, or math keyboard depending on how a student works best. 

With practice sets, educators can more easily get insight into which concepts need more instruction time and when to move on, giving them performance trends and insights to shape future lesson plans'. 

Also - you can save yourself a ton of time! Enough said..

Source: Google Workspace Updates for more info

Resources to help you:

Instructions slideshow

Example questions for practice sets 

Shake up learning podcast

Eric Curts explanation w/ pictures

Google course

Google Classroom PD Meet Recordings

google classroom workshop