Distance Learning Google Meet

Google Meet Attendance List Instructions

Google Meet Extension List Explanation.webm
Google Meet Attendance List instructions

Google Meet Explained

Google Meet Updated Changes.webm

Find these instructions in writing and with diagrams here

Managing Google Meet Recordings

Google Meet Recordings

Breakout rooms

Breakout rooms in Meet

Google Meet Tips

Google Meet is a key way to keep connections with your class. It is expected this once a week while you're working remotely from home

Enabling the link on classroom will alert them to when it's happening. Here's a video on how to do that

You can then schedule it ahead of time in your calendar or as an announcement on the classroom (copy the link from your class page banner)

NOTE: the students will not have access to the Meet link until you are there

You will be informed if someone once to come in that doesn't belong in your class and can deny them entrance (please pass it on to your HoH)

Students can join Meet from their phone - In the Play Store (Android) or App Store (Apple), download and install the Meet app

To engage students you could use the hands up function or ask a question in the chat or on Google Classroom. Google Slides also has a question & answer function. See instructions here.

You can pre-record a lesson on Google Meet to share later. Help with Google Meet Recordings here

Extra hints:

  • If you have a lot of students on at once, encourage headphones, mute their microphones and get them to use the chat function (top right of the screen)

  • You can enable tile view to see all your students at once - or use spotlight view to see a student who is speaking - find the layout options in the three little dots at the bottom right of the screen

  • Students and teachers can change their background (in the three little dots)

  • Students can raise their hand to alert you that they want to speak and/or have written something in the chat

  • You can create or open a Jam whiteboard to write/draw on

  • Always use Chrome as your browser

  • Try and shut down Chrome and your computer at night, in order for updates to happen, which will minimise 'glitches'

Enabling Distance Learning Using Google Meet

Some videos on this site for those who like to learn that way