Top tips and How to's

How to convert jpegs and pdfs in Google Docs

Converting jpg & PDF files into editable text on Google Docs

Top ten Google Tips from UTB trainers

UTB training Nov 2019 - Top ten Google Tips and Tricks

Use Google Meet with calendar events

Google Calendars and Hangouts

Ed Puzzle

Edpuzzle for Flipped Classroom WT

Explore Tool - Quick Search, Cite and Add Images in Google Docs

How to use Explore tool

Digital Revision Ideas

Digtal Revision Ideas

Naming Protocols

Naming Protocols - Google Suite

How to create screen shots and screencasts

Screenshots and Screencasting

How to create a website bookmark

How to create a bookmark

Do nows and exit cards (via classroom and forms)

Do Nows and Exit Cards in...nd Google Forms ‎(surveys)‎

Padlet (virtual post it note board)

How to use padlet:

Voice Typing in Google Docs, Kaizena (Voice comments) and Read Write (text read aloud)

Voice typing

How to add a collaborator by e-mail on a Google Doc

Add in collaborator via e-mail

Google shortener

Google Shortener